About the Exhibitor Guide

Regional: Shed Dog

General Rules:

  • Dogs must run off-lead in the Semifinals and Championship Round.
  • Retrieves are judged as they are in Shed Dog III
  • Exhibitors may NOT provide their own sheds at NASDA Championship events, including the regional

Round Breakdown:

  • Round 1 & Round 2: Single shed retrieve within 24” of the handler.
  • Semifinals: 1–3 sheds, determined by random draw for the class. Retrieve to hand required.
  • Championship Round: 0–4 sheds, determined by random draw for the class. The number of hides is unknown. The handler Retrieve to hand required. The number of hides is unknown. The judge will not call the shed find. Handler may call finish to end time when they feel all sheds have been found.