About the Exhibitor Guide

Why are searches run blind at the Regional?

Image: Blinding area from the 2024 Regional Championship in Waggoner, OK. This parking at this venue allowed folks to blind with or without their dog in a large area with activities, snacks and social aspects. Upon completion of their run. Exhibitors moved their car with their dog to a separate parking lot.

In an effort to maintain the integrity of the sport and create an equal playing field for all exhibitors, championship events are run blind. This ensures that each team relies solely on their own skill, teamwork, and training rather than outside influence.

Discussing hides or even portions of the search areas—whether intentional or unintentional—can undermine a fellow exhibitor’s search by:

  • Providing incorrect or misleading information that could disrupt their handling.
  • Creating unnecessary mental pressure or self-doubt.
  • Revealing the location of hides, removing the challenge and fairness of the competition.

NASDA values sportsmanship, fairness, and the independent skills of each team. Running blind helps preserve the spirit of the sport and ensures that every competitor has the same opportunity to showcase their abilities without external influence.