How does the Regional work?

Showcase and Invitational qualifiers will compete together across all levels and classes. Within each sport, all levels of competition will run the same course in each round. All searches will be conducted blind. Handlers may compete with only one dog per round, though additional handlers may be designated to handle multiple dogs owned by the same person.
Rounds 1 & 2
Teams will compete in their sport against fellow invitees across two rounds of competition. Placements for first through fourth from each level within the sport will be determined by the combined scores from both rounds. The top FOUR teams from each level will advance to the Regional Semifinal.
Regional Semifinals
The top two (2) scoring teams from each class in the Semifinal Round will advance to the Regional Championship round. If no teams qualify within a specific class level, the judging panel will select two (2) dogs to advance based on their performance in Round 1 and Round 2 of the Regional, taking into account the lowest number of deductions and/or the type of deductions earned prior to not qualifying in the Semifinal Round.
Final Round
The semifinal winners from each level will compete against each other on a single course in the Final Round. The top-scoring team in this round will be crowned the Regional Champion.