For the most update to date information on the current week, please access the link in the status.
Known Issues
- 12/05/2024: The Master Handbook PDF along with addendums and other resource PDF documents are not displaying. Resolution in process. Update 12/10/2024: An additional update is being made to the PDF software this morning. This may temporarily affect the display of new titles.
- 12/10/2024: Apprentice Judge Summary Report is not displaying. Resolution in progress.
- 12/09/2024: Title run message is not turning off automatically at the conclusion of the title run.
- Resolved 12/06/2024: Junior Handler Reporting not updating with title runs.
- 13 SD Online legs recorded on or before 03/31/2024 are flagged as duplicates by the system and are not displaying
- Judge’s Education is not up to date. Resolution in progress.
- Resolved 11/20/2024: Online Title App is displaying a 404 error. Reported 11/20/2024.
- Resolved 10/20/2024: Trial Sanctioning is down. Reported 10/12/2024
- Resolved 11/15/2024: Title run is not populating the front end due to slow server performance. Repair in progress.
Recent Updates
- Addendums now listed in the master handbook have been archived from resources.
- 01/2023 Bonuses
- 07/2023 Brace
- 06/2023 Lost Item Challenge, Lost Item Grand Champion
Tasks Scheduled This Week:
- Misconduct / Dog Aggression Electronic Forms for Clubs and Judges
- Online System Bug Reporting
Known Issues
- Some SD Online legs. Some records are flagged as duplicates by the system and are not displaying
- Judge’s Education is not up to date
- Title Count Report (Beta): Challenge titles and grand champion titles are not counting all records.
Recent Updates
- Addendums now listed in the master handbook have been archived from resources.
- 01/2023 Bonuses
- 07/2023 Brace
- 06/2023 Lost Item Challenge, Lost Item Grand Champion
Tasks Scheduled This Week:
- Medical Accommodation request for humans
- Misconduct / Dog Aggression Electronic Forms for Clubs and Judges
- Apprentice Judge Request Form
General Notices:
- Host clubs have been asked to update their club address and contact information. Clubs not updated by 08/31/2024 will be inactivated automatically. Clubs in good standing may be reactivated anytime.
- We are posting a “Title Run is in Progress” message above titles. When this notice is on, the following reports may be briefly unavailable: Titles, MCH, GCH, Annual Ranking, Junior Handler Ranking. The data is updated in that order and typically only one report is unavailable at a time.
Known Issues
- RESOLVED 08/11/2024 – Overall Challenge Game Titles are not populating
- RESOLVED 08/11/2024 – Title list pagination was not working correctly.
- RESOLVED 08/11/2024 – Versatile Urban Titles were not population.
- Some SD Online legs. Some records are flagged as duplicates by the system and are not displaying
- Judge’s Education is not up to date
- Title Count Report (Beta): Challenge titles and grand champion titles are not counting all records.
Tasks Scheduled This Week:
- Medical Accommodation request for humans
- Misconduct / Dog Aggression Electronic Forms for Clubs and Judges
Weekly reminder: Your official source of updates and information regarding the NASDA Emergency Data Migration and Dashboard Development project is the official Facebook page of the North American Sport Dog Association and accessed via the website at
General Notices:
- Host clubs have been asked to update their club address and contact information. Clubs not updated by 08/31/2024 will be inactivated automatically. Clubs in good standing may be reactivated anytime.
- We are posting a “Title Run is in Progress” message above titles. When this notice is on, the following reports may be briefly unavailable: Titles, MCH, GCH, Annual Ranking, Junior Handler Ranking. The data is updated in that order and typically only one report is unavailable at a time.
Known Issues
- RESOLVED 07/24/2024: Supreme Versatility Titles are duplicating.
- RESOLVED 07/23/2024: Duplicate club admin requests have resulted in the club showing multiple times for the user. The club is not duplicated in the database. We’re working to remove the duplicates for clarity.
- RESOLVED 07/25/2024: 6 dogs had a character in their registered name causing titles not to display. These dogs have been updated and new registration now checks for it to prevent future occurrences.
- Overall Challenge Game Titles are not populating
- RESOLVED 07/26/2024: There are 3 records (0.06%) being rejected by the annual rankings report.
- Some SD Online legs and MLIOCH titles are not displaying. Some records are flagged as duplicates by the system and are not displaying
- Judge’s Education is not up to date
- RESOLVED 07/31/24: Password reset is not sending. Note: This is in progress with our provider. We do not yet have an ETA on the resolution but it is actively being worked on.
Tasks Scheduled This Week:
- Enhancements to the status tracker for missing and results correction are underway. This does not impact ticket submission, review and processing. Ongoing.
- Judge Admin Go Live: Estimated 07/22/2024
- Medical Accommodation request for humans
- Misconduct / Dog Aggression Electronic Forms for Clubs and Judges
- COMPLETE 07/30/24: Master Champions QQs added to Annual Ranking
Update on Previous Tasks:
- Missing Results: Results have successfully migrated. If you find that there are results missing from your dog’s account, please submit a “Missing Result” ticket. The records are typically there but there have been instances where they are not linking to their parent Event Group or Event ID.
- Results Corrections: You may submit a correction where there is an error in the recorded results, such as incorrect class or points. These tickets are submitted directly from your dog’s results.
- Title Run: Reminder: Although event results may be published in the order in which they are received, the title run will only complete when all events in a specified period are complete. At this time, existing titles may be briefly unavailable while the process runs. This allows the system to adjust title dates for results corrections without record locking. When the title run is in progress, you will now see a status alert in your dog’s dashboard. If you do not see a title you feel your dog has earned, please be sure to check your dog’s lifetime points and results for an error. There is no longer a duplicate tile request option.
- Dogs not displaying on user dashboard: If you are unable to access your dog via the user dashboard this is typically because the email they were originally registered under does not match your user id. Please use the Quick Update Dog function. You must either select your dog’s registration number (preferred) or type in the registration number if it is not found. Once the request has been reviewed and approved, you should see your dog.
Weekly reminder: Your official source of updates and information regarding the NASDA Emergency Data Migration and Dashboard Development project is the official Facebook page of the North American Sport Dog Association and accessed via the website at
General Notices:
- Host clubs have been asked to update their club address and contact information. Clubs not updated by 08/31/2024 will be inactivated automatically. Clubs in good standing may be reactivated anytime.
Known Issues
- Supreme Versatility Titles are duplicating. They are not displaying currently while we resolve the issue.
- RESOLVED 07/17/24: Existing dog medical accommodations are not available due to the May 2024 server failure. Exhibitors may submit a new request under the dog’s page.
- Duplicate club admin requests have resulted in the club showing multiple times for the user. The club is not duplicated in the database. We’re working to remove the duplicates for clarity.
- RESOLVED 07/19/2024: Some MLIOCH titles are not displaying
- Some SD Online legs and MLIOCH titles are not displaying. Some records are flagged as duplicates by the system and are not displaying
Tasks Scheduled This Week:
- Enhancements to the status tracker for missing and results correction are underway. This does not impact ticket submission, review and processing. Ongoing.
- Judge Admin Go Live: Estimated 07/22/2024
- Beta Test Release 07/15/24: Trial Sanctioning Request Integration
- COMPLETE 07/17/24: Medical Accommodations, Warnings and Suspensions are displaying on individual, club and judge dashboards.
- COMPLETE 07/17/24: Medical Accommodation request for dogs
- Medical Accommodation request for humans
- Misconduct / Dog Aggression Electronic Forms for Clubs and Judges
Update on Previous Tasks:
- Missing Results: Results have successfully migrated. If you find that there are results missing from your dog’s account, please submit a “Missing Result” ticket. The records are typically there but there have been instances where they are not linking to their parent Event Group or Event ID.
- Results Corrections: You may submit a correction where there is an error in the recorded results, such as incorrect class or points. These tickets are submitted directly from your dog’s results.
- Title Run: Reminder: Although event results may be published in the order in which they are received, the title run will only complete when all events in a specified period are complete. At this time, existing titles may be briefly unavailable while the process runs. This allows the system to adjust title dates for results corrections without record locking. When the title run is in progress, you will now see a status alert in your dog’s dashboard. If you do not see a title you feel your dog has earned, please be sure to check your dog’s lifetime points and results for an error. There is no longer a duplicate tile request option.
- Dogs not displaying on user dashboard: If you are unable to access your dog via the user dashboard this is typically because the email they were originally registered under does not match your user id. Please use the Quick Update Dog function. You must either select your dog’s registration number (preferred) or type in the registration number if it is not found. Once the request has been reviewed and approved, you should see your dog.
07/08/2024 System Update
Weekly reminder: Your official source of updates and information regarding the NASDA Emergency Data Migration and Dashboard Development project is the official Facebook page of the North American Sport Dog Association and accessed via the website at
Known Issues:
- RESOLVED 07/09/24 – MLIOCH and GCH titles are not automatically generating in the title run. Resolution in progress.
- RESOLVED 07/09/24 – Supreme Versatility titles were reading Excellent titles as an additional category.
- RESOLVED 07/09/24 – Versatile Locating titles are not displaying.
- RESOLVED 07/10/24 – Lost Item Challenge points were not displaying in Lifetime Points.
- RESOLVED 07/10/24 – TPAT Title was not displaying.
- RESOLVED 07/14/24 – Annual Rankings linking fixed.
- RESOLVED 07/14/24 – Shed Dog Online Submissions from 05/16/24 – 06/15/24 were not displaying in event results.
Tasks Scheduled This Week:
- Enhancements to the status tracker for missing and results correction are underway. This does not impact ticket submission, review and processing. Ongoing.
- COMPLETED 07/14/24: Judge Look Up: Clubs may look up judge’s under the “Club Admin” menu
- Judge Admin Go Live: Estimated 07/15/2024
- COMPLETED 07/09/24 – Add New Breed Request Form
- COMPLETED 07/08/24 – Reporting: Current Year Point Rankings for Invitational / Showcase. Estimated 07/10/2024
- COMPLETED 07/09/24 – New Title Printing: The title certificate template is still scheduled for installation by 07/12/2024. This is a third party install and it is not expected to interrupt regular service. Once complete, the developer will create the year end awards.
- Trial Sanctioning Request Integration: Starts 07/10/2024
Update on Previous Tasks:
- Missing Results: Results have successfully migrated. If you find that there are results missing from your dog’s account, please submit a “Missing Result” ticket. The records are typically there but there have been instances where they are not linking to their parent Event Group or Event ID.
- Results Corrections: You may submit a correction where there is an error in the recorded results, such as incorrect class or points. These tickets are submitted directly from your dog’s results.
- Title Run: Reminder: Although event results may be published in the order in which they are received, the title run will only complete when all events in a specified period are complete. At this time, existing titles may be briefly unavailable while the process runs. This allows the system to adjust title dates for results corrections without record locking. When the title run is in progress, you will now see a status alert in your dog’s dashboard. If you do not see a title you feel your dog has earned, please be sure to check your dog’s lifetime points and results for an error. There is no longer a duplicate tile request option.
- Dogs not displaying on user dashboard: If you are unable to access your dog via the user dashboard this is typically because the email they were originally registered under does not match your user id. Please use the Quick Update Dog function. You must either select your dog’s registration number (preferred) or type in the registration number if it is not found. Once the request has been reviewed and approved, you should see your dog.