This program offers a Master Champion title as well as several Specialist games titles.
The North American Sport Dog Association (NASDA) Online Title Program offers a convenient way for dogs and handlers to earn official titles through virtual participation. This program allows competitors to submit videos of their dog’s performance in various scent detection challenges, which are then reviewed by qualified NASDA judges. Designed for those who may not have access to in-person events, the online program ensures that all participants can enjoy the thrill of competition and recognition, no matter their location. To learn more about the Online Title program, visit the Exhibitor Resource Guide.
Lost Item Online
Four Levels of Competition
Minimum Age: 4 months
Master Champion Title
Inviational Eligible
7 Specialist Games Titles
Shed Dog
Combines with SD-I and SD-II
Minimum Age: 6 months
Invitational Eligible
All rules applying to standard NASDA events apply to online submissions. See the NASDA Master Handbook for breakdown of deductions and rules.
Video Requirements
Train at your own pace, and video when you feel prepared. After you have a video of what you feel to be a passing run, upload the clip to Youtube or Vimeo. The video should be continuous – ie/ your walkthrough should be followed by the time it takes you to get your dog, and then your run including the final “yes” call and reward time.
All entries require three elements:
- Course walkthrough – including start line and hide location, as well as distractor locations
- Hide type – verbal and visual verification, can be shown in course walkthrough
- Run video – including behaviour at the start line
Submitting Videos
Click “Online Title App” next to your dog in the My Dogs screen. You may submit multiple videos using the same form.